The Best Headrest for the Aeron – The Atlas Suspension

The Best Headrest for the Aeron – The Atlas Suspension

Today we will review in detail the Atlas Suspension Headrest, arguably, the best headrest for the Aeron ever created. The NonEssentialists will review each aspect of the headrest from appearance & build quality, features/adjustability, installation, and comfort. We will also discuss why you may want to have a head rest, and reasons why you may not. We want to make sure you understand the pros and cons of altering the Aeron.

What is the Atlas Suspension Headrest? 

The Suspension Headrest is the new release from the manufacturer “Atlas.” Former Herman Miller employees are the masterminds behind Atlas . Both designers, Robert Beck & Dennis Foley conducted their R&D in a fashion they learned from their work at Herman Miller. The developing engineer holds 17 different patents with Herman miller and the designer worked side by side with both Bill Stumpf & Don Chadwick, the designers of the Aeron. The headrest was designed so well that Herman Miller said it is the only headrest they recommend for bid specs. It is also the only headrest that does not void the warranty on your chair. 

The original Atlas was released in 2013, however, they were always working with suspension materials and knew that with the correct design it would evenly disperse head & neck support. It took them years of development, but as Joe Parr said, “the essence of the Aeron chair’s design is serving the human body, which we’ve obsessed over matching.” Joe was hired to help design a headrest that matches the Aeron’s seamlessly while offering the most comfortable option available. Continue reading to see how well they did!

Original Desing Sketches

Appearance & Build Quality

The new suspension headrest leaps above the competition in terms of appearance and design. It is the only headrest that looks like it belongs on the Aeron from the factory. 

The first major difference between the Atlas Suspension and the competition is the mesh materials. The Engineered now H3/H4 are made with a similar mesh material. The biggest problem with these headrests is you don’t need to look too closely to realize that it is an aftermarket headrest. Second problem with the Engineered Now headrests is that they have a very unsightly mounting system that just looks clunky. The Aeron has a very clean minimalistic mid century modern design flare that doesn’t mesh well with these head rests. 

What you get with the Atlas Suspension is a mesh material that almost flawlessly matches the “Pellicle” material used on the Aeron. The pattern on the headrest is almost an exact match for the pattern on the Aeron itself. This fact makes this headrest the only choice, in my opinion. You also get a design that is much more in touch with the original Aeron’s. Softer curves and no thick plastic hinges here. Nothing but sleek curved metal used to slide the headrest back and forth as well as up and down. 

The Atlas Suspension Headrest
The best headrest for the Aeron – The Suspension Headrest

Some people have asked me if my hair ever gets stuck in the mesh, and I can say no. The quality of the mesh is on par with “Pellicle” and feels at home and equally as comfortable. Not only does the suspension material have good build quality, but the whole headrest is done perfectly. The color of the plastic matches the coloring perfectly and feels sturdy. The way in which the position adjustments glides feels perfectly engineered.


What I love about the new Suspension headrest is the simplicity of it. The key features of the new Suspension headrest is that the material resembles the actual Herman Miller “Pellicle” almost perfectly, not just in appearance but in a comfort aspect as well. It is not too taut to feel cheap and uncomfortable. However, it is just loose enough that when you lay your head on it it sinks in and feels like it is floating in the material. It is a really nice feeling to be able to lean back while on a long phone call and relax without your neck getting warm or sweaty. Other than this particular material and the design, it only features a few simple adjustments.

The Atlas Headrest
An Almost Perfect Match


This is where Atlas really got the headrest right. They only allow you to slide the headrest forwards and backwards as well as up and down. You don’t have to keep fiddling with different angles or anything else to get the right fit. The shape of the headrest once at the right vertical & horizontal position takes care of the rest. Very easy to set and forget once you screw the tension screws down to prevent any further sliding. 

Ease Of Installation

If I am able to install this with ease, then I am confident that anyone can. I am probably one of the least “handy” guys out there when it comes to putting things together. All you have to do is slide the headrest onto the back of the Aeron and screw down a clamp with the included allen wrench. Once the headrest is attached and tightened on, you can screw on the cover that covers the headrest attaching to the mount. All in all it takes 5 minutes or less, and no tools are required!


You may have been able to tell by how I have spoken about this headrest, but I believe it is the best addition you can give an Aeron. When you lean back to take a few minutes to think, or to answer a longer phone call, there is no place more comfortable to rest your head than on one of these new suspension headrests. 

Also, with the prominent rise of laptops, more and more people are resorting to leaning over. The average head is approximately 8 lb. and causes strain on your neck on top of putting pressure on spinal disks. Surprising to most, the average office workers spend nearly 1,800 hours in their office chairs, this is a problem that is widespread. Some people may suggest reclining back, however, you still have to balance your head in a different manner, see the picture below for an example of what this looks like.

The Best Headrest for the Aeron

However, if you have the Atlas Suspension, it allows your neck to relax since the design is built to support the weight of the head while forming a healthy cervical curve for your neck. This results in the the Aeron and Atlas Suspension combo to support your spine in a similar neutral position to standing.

Neck & Head Support from the Atlas Suspsension

One of the biggest problems I have with headrests is that it is difficult to wear my HD800s while reclined. As a big audiophile, my headrest has to allow me to use headphones of different shapes and sizes. I can report that while it doesn’t work perfectly for the largest of headphones like my Audeze LCD2CC & HD800, it still gets the job done. For my head size/shape, I was able to get comfortable and lean back to listen to some music and clear my mind or read a book especially with smaller over the ear cans.

. Atlas Suspension Headrest

Why You Want A Headrest

Depending on what you do, there are a number of situations where it would make sense for you to invest in a headrest. For me, I often recline in my chair when I am on the phone. In some cases, between working on projects to take a second to relax and gather my thoughts. However, these are not the only activities where individuals often recline and would benefit from a headrest. 

For individuals who spend a great amount of time reading, listening to music, or typing often lean back while working. However, headrests are not designed to be used all of the time. Most people actually work sitting up, or even leaning forward, so don’t think that you constantly need to be using it. 

Atlas Suspension Headrest
Atlas Suspension Headrest

For those using a headrest while sitting up, it can help remind you to not hunch over causing you to scrunch your shoulders increasing the pressure on your back. Comfortable head rests can help remind you to keep your head up and have good posture can help reduce back, neck and shoulder pain.

The Main Reason You Don’t Need A Headrest

One of the key reasons to not get a head rest is if you are the type of person who doesn’t like to recline while working. If you prefer to keep an upright posture, you will find that you will rarely use the headrest. While it may be beneficial when you do decide to twist your adjuster and allow yourself to recline, if this only happens once or twice a day for a minute or two, there are probably better things for you to spend your money on as the base Aeron itself is quite comfortable to lean back in. 

Are There Any Alternatives?

There are a handful of alternatives to the new Atlas Suspension headrest, however, I cannot personally recommend them over the Suspension however feel free to use them as guidance for further research before making your final decision. 

The first competitor for the Suspension headrest, is the original cushion headrest from Atlas. While it has been considered the premier headrest by multiple other reviewers, the new Suspension will likely take over the title as it becomes more popular. It is however, less expensive. Not only that, but you can get it in both a very comfortable cloth, but also leather. This is really your only option if you want a quality cloth/leather headrest for the Aeron. 

Your second alternative is the Engineered Now H3/H4 systems. These were the main offerings before Atlas stormed the Aeron aftermarket scene. With that being said, I believe their design doesn’t mesh well with the Aeron’s simple and curvy lines. The functionality is fine, you can even tilt these headrests. The problem comes from the fact that the mesh doesn’t match and the aesthetics don’t go with the Aeron. The adjustability of the Suspension headrest is superior despite it being limited to two axis. 

The Best Starter Fountain Pen – Lamy Safari

The Best Starter Fountain Pen – Lamy Safari

Writing Instruments

First Impressions Lamy Safari


Kevin, KC, KS

July 11th, 2020

The Best Starter Fountain Pen (Lamy Safari)

Before we dive into my initial impressions and review of the Lamy Safari I want to provide a little background on myself, Lamy, and the Safari.

To elaborate on my experience with writing instruments, I have always been an enthusiast. However, I do not possess the same depth & breadth of knowledge as my counterpart JC. With that being said I thought it would be wise to give my initial opinions on arguably the most well-regarded starter fountain pen, the Lamy Safari. My other fountain pen collection consists of mostly Montblanc pieces. But I have a Platinum #3776 as well as a Namiki Yukari Nightline Moonlight Raden. So this is my first experience with Lamy and the Safari.

For most familiar with fountain pens, Lamy doesn’t need an introduction. However, for any beginners out there, Lamy is a legendary fountain pen manufacturer out of Germany. Before Lamy was founded, the namesake founder C. Josef Lamy had begun building pens in 1930. Then in 1952 the first Lamy branded pen was produced, the Lamy 27 which helped advance pen technology in the era. By 1966 Lamy had launched the Lamy 2000, reviewed here. It  became an icon in the world of fountain pens, cementing the brand as a leader in the industry.

Lastly, the Safari is probably the go-to starter fountain pen for numerous reasons. For the price of $20-$30 there really isn’t many options in the fountain pen market that can compete with the brand’s cachet as well as outright quality.

Lamy Safari Review - Best Starter Fountain pen

Kevin’s Lamy Safari

Photograph by “The NonEssentialists”


This is what initially attracted me to the Safari. It is unlike any other pen out there, with a very minimalist modern design, yet stands out from the crowd with its clip & cap design. I have only had the pen for one afternoon and three coworkers, as well as a client commented on how cool this pen looks. I usually don’t bring my nicer pens to work, as people often will “borrow” pens to never return them. I never want to be in a position where one of my collector’s pieces were lost or stolen. 

Which brings up another point. The design of this pen stands out in the crowd, but the materials that it is made out of feel very sturdy and the fitment is tight. It really is a pen designed to be used day in day out for whatever you need it to do. 

“[The Safari] not only looks beautiful, but feels excellent in your hand.”

Hand Feel

Not only does this pen look great and have an outstanding presence in the office, but it also feels marvelous to hold. The materials used to build the pen are high quality. While it is made almost exclusively with plastics, it has a decent weight when posted.

A unique aspect of the Safari is that it has a special grip that has a specific spot for you to put your index finger and thumb. What this means is for beginners it forces you to hold the fountain pen correctly. But even for someone who uses them frequently, I didn’t find it bothersome. Though it did take a few minutes for me to get used to it.

All in all, this pen not only looks beautiful, but feels excellent to hold in your hand. This combined with the weight and special grip make it an excellent well rounded first fountain pen.


Writing Feel

 I meant to order the fine nib, but ended up ordering the medium nib by mistake. However, this may be the best oversight I have made. The medium nib is incredibly smooth and doesn’t feel overly scratchy. For being a steel nib, it actually feels really nice to write with. The customers who commented on it actually used it and said it was one of the nicest writing instruments they have used. 

This is what is amazing about this particular pen, it really can be enjoyed by the entire spectrum of pen users, from completely inexperienced to people who have been using fountain pens for years. It has this way of being effortless to use. The pen writes relatively dry, maybe a 4 on a scale of 1-10, which makes it great for a variety of papers and writing applications. You don’t have to wait more than a second for the ink to dry. The dry speed is essential if you’re looking for a pen that can be used for every application at work. 

Lamy Safari Nib
Lamy Safari Initial Review

Branding Is Very Nicely Applied by the Ink Window

Photograph by “The NonEssentialists”

Ease of Use

The Safari is an extremely easy to use pen for a number of reasons. First, it takes ink cartridges which are easy to swap for beginners. But it is not limited to cartridges, you can upgrade to a Lamy Z28 converter if you prefer a piston style converter. Not only can you change that but there are tons of customization options for the Safari since it has remained relatively the same since its 1980 debut. You can even exchange nibs for different sizes easily, or even upgrade to gold nibs if the steel nib just doesn’t cut it for you anymore. All you have to do is pull the metal nib off the tip of the pen with a little force.

Another immensely convenient feature is the ink window, which allows you to check how much ink you have left. I don’t know about you, but one of the most frustrating things is running out of ink mid day and either having to switch back to using a normal ball point or hoping you have another cartridge or ink bottle nearby.

Truthful, this pen is excellent right out of the box. It isn’t just excellent for its price, but an excellent pen irregardless of pricing. It can be enjoyed by anyone, enthusiast to someone just starting out, and that is what makes it so special.

The Lamy Safari Review
The Best Starter Fountain Pen Lamy Safari Review
Lamy Safari Review Box

Overall First Impression

Well, you might be able to tell what think if after one afternoon with the Safari, I decided to order a second one in white. I haven’t been able to use my fountain pens while at work due to the risk of theft or loss because I frequently see clients and move around doing presentations. Having tried the Lamy Safari, I now know the solution to that problem: buying a few simple black & white Lamy Safaris to use daily so I can continue to enjoy the finer aspects of hand writing without the risk of loss/theft or damage to any high value pens.

I wish I had tried a Lamy Safari years ago. Being able to use a fountain pen every day at work already is getting me excited. There is nothing like being able to enjoy every time you have to write while working. It gives you something to look forward to every time you take notes or work out a deal. Please click the link above to get current pricing from Amazon, this is the same one that I purchased.

The Best Vertical Paper Stand

The Best Vertical Paper Stand

Office Accessories

The Best Vertical Paper Stand 

Kevin, KC, KS

July 10th, 2020

Before reading about the best vertical paper stand, take a second to read this disclaimer :This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read my full disclaimer here

The Best Vertical Paper Stand: The Page-Up

You may be asking, why do I want a vertical paper stand, let alone a Page-Up, but we will cover why you really will want one. The Page-Up is a piece of inexpensive modern desk art that serves a very ergonomic purpose.

The Best Vertical Paper Stand - Page Up

Kevin’s Page-Up

Photograph by “The NonEssentialists”

What is a Page-Up?

Pictured above is my personal page-up. It is a multifunctional piece of modern desk art. It adds a three demential item to your workspace that can be used as a paper weight as well as for holding documents up so they are easy to read and input data into your computer.

As crazy as it seems, I have been using these since I was in Elementary School. I was actually introduced to them during Computer Basics back when floppy disks were the premier method of storage. 

“Simple Beauty matched with exceptional functionality.”

Design – Not Just A Vertical Paper Stand


This is probably the most stand out feature of the Page-Up. Depending on what colors you get it has a very classy, upscale & modern design that feels at home on a nicely furnished desk. Once more they fill the inside with sand so it has a very nice heft to it. It has a simple beauty matched with exceptional functionality.

One of the most enjoyable aspects of it is observing how the light reflects off the area around what I call the “mouth.” I have always called it this because to me it is reminiscent of a shark with a slightly opened mouth.  

See Pricing on This White One On Amazon

However, if you are a big fan of having a colorful desk, there is what seems to be an endless sea of choices for different colors. These include some transparent options where you can actually see the sand inside.



What I really enjoy about the Page-Up is not just the design but the ability to hold papers vertically next to your monitors for transfering data from physical mediums to spreadsheets or my CRMs.

Because it holds your papers vertically, it also frees up space on your desk and keeps it from looking cluttered. Also, if you’re like me, I use a print out that has my schedule for the day, my goals and tasks I need to complete on it. The Page-Up allows you to put this in your view throughout the day to help you keep on track without having to look down at your desk, or in a folder/notebook. By having documents like this in your sight constantly, it can help keep you on track.

The functionality doesn’t stop in the office either. We use ours at home to hold up kitchen recipes/shopping lists. It holds music when my wife uses our portable electric piano keyboard instead of the Kawai Piano. The Page-Up can hold instructions while you assemble things at a table. My wife even uses it when she is sewing to see the diagrams (or whatever they call sewing instructions).


The Page-Up is made exceptionally well. Despite being inexpensive, the simple construction and shape really hold up against the test of time. 

Mine has been dropped, knocked over, etc. and while it has a lot of little surface scratches (the drawback of liking black…) it still feels solid. These things can last years and years without breaking. Pretty amazing for a product that is often found for less than $10.


Why You Want One 

There have been times in my life where I have been without a Page-Up because it got misplaced in a move or it was a temporary workspace. I have always had lower back pain since I fell a few years ago. It comes and goes, but what often causes it to flair up is bending forward and hunching over my desk.

As someone who suffers from chronic back pain I look for every opportunity to help me keep my posture and reduce strain. That is where the Page-Up comes in handy. Thanks to the Page-Up, you no longer have to hunch over your desk. This reduces the number of times you have to compress your back helping reduce the liklihood of reinjuring yourself due to the strain. 

Not only does it have the ergonomic benefit, but as mentioned earlier, it makes transposing information from physical mediums to your PC much easier. Efficiency is everyone’s best friend. 

Lastly, they have a retail price around $10, there is a very small barrier to ownership, especially given how long they last.  Invest today in your comfort and efficiency.


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Lamy 2000 The Best fountain Pen for the money

Writing Instrument

The Lamy 2000 In Depth Review

The Best Stapler

Office Equipment

The Best Stapler For Your Desk 

The Swingline “747”

The Atlas Suspension Headrest

Seating & Ergonomics

The Best Headrest for the Aeron:

The Atlas Suspension Headrest

Swingline “747” Chrome Collector’s Edition

Swingline “747” Chrome Collector’s Edition

Ever Wonder what is The Best Desktop Stapler?

This post may contain affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can read my full disclaimer here

Swingline “747” Iconic Design With Premium Materials

The best desktop stapler is unquestionably the Swingline 747. There are many different staplers available these days with different technical achievements, but none of them can compare to the outright simplicity, heritage and beauty of the 747. We will discuss a few reasons why this iconic stapler is a must for any office space!

Cultural Importance

The 747 has always been a popular stapler for business due to its simple and elegant design. However, it catapulted the brand to the top because of the legendary appearance of the prior generation 646 in the movie Office Space in 1999. Known by many now for its satire on the disheartening aspects of corporate office work. In the film, they painted the Swingline a bright red to make it pop, and put it in the hands of the infamous Milton, who brought even more focus to the brand.

Ever since, this has become a staple of desks across the nation. Not only that, but every new Swingline employee gets a red stapler when they begin. Swingline still makes a special edition that is identical to the one used in the movie. But, I chose to go with the 747 because it has full metal construction unlike the movie edition. The special movie edition has a plastic top half. 

Durability & Reliability

Every piece of equipment at your desk needs to be reliable. These are the items you rely on day in and day out to accomplish your tasks. Have you ever had a stapler that constantly jammed? Staple didn’t get bent right when you stapled important documents? Tried try to pull the staple out and re-staple just for the document to get wrinkled and look less professional? Those are the consequences of choosing a less reliable and durable stapler. Swingline is a company that has been building business grade staplers since 1925. They even invented the concept of top loading staplers for easy use in 1939 giving birth to the Swingline model. Later in 1968, the 747 model was in production. These staplers stand the test of time and keep on working and will most likely continue to be the most iconic stapler.

The Best Desktop Stapler Design

The Best Desktop Stapler - Sleek Design

As you saw, I use the Chrome Collector’s Edition 747 at my office, not the iconic Rio Red 747. I personally think the aesthetic of the all chrome with black rubber bottom make this the best stapler. I like to keep my desk accessories as much as I can on the Black/Gray/White scale as possible. Doing so it gives everything a clean and modern look. One great thing about the design of this stapler is that it is made with metal, which gives it a luxurious heft and makes it cool to the touch when you use it. It constantly reminds you that you have arguably the most iconic stapler in the world in your hands.

The Best Desktop Stapler Features

The Best Desktop Stapler - Low Staple Window

While the 747 is a rather simple stapler it has a few features that make it the best stapler for desk use. First, it has a 25 sheet capacity to handle your day to day needs. Secondly, there is a very satisfying clink when you use it.  The first is the window to show whether you are low on staples or not. Most people don’t even notice this window, however, it is a super nice feature. The second feature worth mentioning is that you can open the top 180 degrees so that you can easily post papers to a bulletin board. Lastly, the anvil can be switched so that papers can be either stapled together permanently or you can reverse it to temporarily staple sheets together. Lastly, it is large enough to have a 210 staple capacity so it doesn’t need to be refilled that often. 

Other Color Options

While my personal favorite is the Chrome, the 747 comes in a variety of colors making it versatile for all different kinds of people. The most popular colors are the 747 Black, as well as the iconic Rio Red 747. However, there is also a special antimicrobial coating available, something to surely help keep you germ free during the Corona Virus situation. There are also very nice pale blue as well as gold, gray and beige. All of these options make it the best stapler for desk use.

Recommended Staples

You now have the best stapler out there for your office, now your question is, “what staples should I be using?” There is only one type of staple that I recommend and they are also from Swingline themselves, the special Premium Optima Staples. These are different from ordinary staples because they have a chisel point that helps them penetrate the paper and reduce the likelihood of jamming. Another great perk of the Optima Premium Staples is that they are  made with 135,000 PSI premium grade wire resulting in greater tensile strength. 


There really is no competition in terms of cultural significance and the iconic status of this stapler. However, performance wise there are other staplers that people often consider. I have always used the 747 so I cannot personally recommend the competitors. I am just aware of their existence from having researched upgrading from the 747. 

Click the image to check pricing on Amazon

The less expensive alternative to the 747 would be the Amazon Basics 10 Sheet if you rarely use a stapler and just need one in the event you need to secure a few sheets together. It is significantly less expensive but retains a very sleek design. 

Click Image to check pricing on Amazon

The other alternative that is directly comparable would be the Bostitch All Metal 3 In 1 Stapler. It also features a sturdy metal design but with a much more industrial look. It comes in a larger variety of colors as well. Lastly, it has an antimicrobial coating to help keep you safe from germs! 

Click Image to check pricing on Amazon

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